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10 Aug 2021

I had the best birth experience ever!

I first heard about Anna's course from my step-mum who said it changed her birth experience and thoughts for the better! They actually gifted us the course as she wanted us to experience the wonderful advice that they had received!

Initially Jack was a bit apprehensive and did comment how he wouldn't need to be present at the course as it was nothing to do with him when I go into labour. Oh how wrong he was. After listening to all the information Anna gave, he knew his role was a big part to play as well!

My contractions became regular and close together at 11:30pm on 9th August, I had a bath and listened to my hypnobirthing MP3s that Anna had given as a tool! I struggled to get comfy in the bath however so Jack and I went downstairs and I used my birth ball to help ease the pain and we watched some funny TV. At 2:30am I had decided I wanted to go to hospital as I wanted to see how far along I was, when we got there I was very disappointed to find out I was only 3cm dilated, this meant we had to go home.

Coming home was the worst part of my labour. I couldn't get comfy and found everything I did was very painful! I felt as though I couldn't sit, lie or stand so was getting myself into quite a state! Jack reminded me of my calm breathing and to keep moving to help the contractions along!

By 5:30am I knew I was getting close and decided it was time to go back to the hospital! Triage was extremely busy at this point so it took some time to get seen! I did say I wanted a natural birth however by this point I was just begging for an epidural! Luckily jack knew that I didn't actually want this and kept reminding me to just continue with my breathing and everything would be okay!

When we were finally seen I was 7cm and they said I was ready to go to the delivery suite. I had an injection of pethadine which was amazing as it helped release the pain instantly and I felt as though I was ready to conquer the birth again!!

On all fours, with Jack coaching me and playing music to keep me calm, I pushed for 2 hours and gave birth to our beautiful little boy Noah! Born at 11:12am on 10th August, because I was so relaxed my placenta came naturally 20 minutes later!

I can honestly say I had the best birth experience ever and would 100% go through it all again! Even though I was ready to give up when we were sent home, without Jack I don't think I would have been able to do it and have such a positive experience! Anna provided both of us with all the tools we needed but helped Jack to understand the role he needed to play.

Thank you Anna for everything and for being there from the moment we signed up to the course to now still after Noah has been born!

Hattie and Jack - Droitwich, Worcestershire